Saturday, 29 March 2008

Word For The Day

Today I'm starting a new blog section, word for the day. It's just an entry containing a word, a definition and how it should be used for that particular day or days thereafter. Most of these definitions will be taken from here [Merriam-Webster Online].

And so to get started, here is the first Word For Today:



Main Entry:
ve·he·ment Listen to the pronunciation of vehement
Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin vehement-, vehemens, vement-, vemens
15th century

: marked by forceful energy : powerful as a: intensely emotional : impassioned, fervid b (1): deeply felt (2): forcibly expressed c: bitterly antagonistic
— ve·he·ment·ly adverb

Usage for today:
I vehemently despise facebook application request spam.

Well, that's it for today. I'm sure there will be many more. If you have any ideas let me know and I will be glad to include them. Have a nice day.

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Twitter madness...

Yesterday I decided to start doing something with twitter, all it took was replying to a pownce post from four20 all then the madness ensued. I don't quite know how to explain it but as a somewhat unknown person on the internet to get a heap of followers one after the other, most of whom I regularly frequent their blogs is quite a humbling experience.
So this short entry is just to thank four20 for finally showing me the value and usefulness of Twitter. There is a LOT of tech news that gets broadcast on Twitter that doesn't make it into the headlines of the sites I usually browse and also a lot of ideas that get floated about. It's also a great place to find interesting and informative links. I think it's fair to say that I'm blown away by it, however I think it could get a little addictive as it's kind of like a big IRC chat room. And as some of you know I am a huge fan of IRC.
Yes I think Twitter is amazing and, yes I admit I was slow on getting into it, but I'm damn glad I finally got around to paying it some attention. Oh and by the way, @JasaonCalacanis wants the world to see his dogs... and I have to admit they are pretty cute.
So have a look here:

The quote of the day surely has to belong to MikeonTV with this gem:

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Digg, it's all about the comments.

More often than not, when I am browsing through Digg I usually read the comments before the article and mostly find the user comments far more entertaining and sometimes more informative than the actual article. Today is no exception.
In an article that hit the front page today called, “If Microsoft invented Linux...” - Submitted by sourceholder.
I was highly amused by a retort to this comment by daxsymbiont:

there's no bloat in windows.
windows is where linux wants to be.
when linux does something that windows did in 1995 "OMG LOOK AT THIS MASTERPIECE OF TECHNOLOGY!".
when windows does something new "again bloat".
bury it, cause it's true.

And before you ask, yes I did bury that comment not because it's true but because I believe it is false....bullshit actually.... But that would be a whole other blog post.

dcollins replied with:

If what you are saying is true, I better call google and alert them they are running their servers on 10yo technology.

Which in turn led to my favorite comment of the day by Nicksname1:

dcollins> Yeah Google are you there?
GOOG411> Yes how may I help you
dcollins> Hey daxsymbiont says you guys are running on old 10 yo technology and you should get Windows because it's bloated with features
GOOG411> You tell daxsymbiont to go fuck himself!

Maybe it's my warped sense of humour or the fact that I had didn't get much sleep last night but this comment wins the gold for today. Also at the top of the comments is the biggest list of spoiler comments I have seen. This story was yet another one that I, and probably many others have dugg for the comments rather than the article.
Oh by the way, what would it look like if Microsoft invented linux??

I encourage you to have a read of the digg page and comments here:

I should point out that I did not submit this article, nor do I know the submitter. I am not asking for diggs on this story either, although not that it matters, it seems to have done pretty well for itself.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Yer Old

I've never really thought seriously about getting old. I have always thought of myself as getting older but not once had I sat back and thought, "Shite, your getting old....". Well now I have, albeit a rather drunken thought but still, it remained with me throughout one of my all day hangovers.

I'm not sure what triggered it, but as I was being driven around town by some girl I hadn't met before and unlikely to meet ever again (my friend was in the front passenger seat) something in my head clicked over. It also should be noted that my friend and the two girls in the car were a few years younger than me, I'm guessing early twenties?? I didn't have a clue what the girl sitting next to me in the back seat was babbling about, nor the one in the front. Something about somebody's boyfriend being a prick, someone's boyfriends mother being a cow and something else about another one of their friends being a bitch... heh... I'm just guessing there on the last one... but it's a pretty safe bet. Now it should be said that I had no real interest in getting to know either of these two, I am sure they are great people and I wish them all the best. It's just that everyone at my friend's house had fallen asleep and me being a geek and not used to going to sleep before 2:00-3:30am was wide awake... and not nearly drunk enough to call it a night.

We pulled up out the front some seemingly random house but unfortunately the alcohol had ran out and the party had drifted on to the pub. Which was a pity because I was just about to have a good drunken discussion with one of the dudes out the front. Ahhh... not to be, "Hey man, we're going!" came a yell from the car. So we then drove around some more bitching about this and that, I contributed as best I could trying to find some common ground. This continued until quite late.... I think it was half five by the time I shut my eyes. I remember watching a skate video and seeing light creep through the window but there are a couple of lost hours in there.

I have to say that it's not that I didn't enjoy the night, I had a ball. It's just that it reminded me of what me and friends used to do...."Back in the day".
There it is. That's what made me feel old. Back in the day.
Back in the day to me was doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. No thinking about consequences or responsibilities, whatever happens happens and whatever doesn't doesn't.

These days I have to make time for myself to go out and do random things and see if my mates can get a "night" pass to do the same. Everyone is having kids and starting to get there family life in order or established. I congratulate them and respect them highly for that and it has brought out a side in some of them that I have rarely seen in them and I like it.

I guess stepping out of a long relationship has left me with something I'm not used to.... freedom. The freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want, whatever happens happens and whatever doesn't doesn't. All with a few more restrictions than "Back in the day" of course...

Which finally brings me to my point, I'm pretty sure no one reads this blog anyway so I'm not sorry at all for the length of my posts. And if somebody does read this, please leave a comment about when you have felt "old".

The whole point of this post is that on the 9th of March it's "Get over it day". Damn good timing if I do say. Get over it you cynical old bastard, live it up.

Get Over It Day []